Welcome to H2O Direct

H2O Direct Ltd are experts in water filtration products for the Coffee, Vending and Point of Use (POU) water cooler industries. We specialise in a wide range of water filters and fittings for use on Coffee and Vending machines, Hot Water Boilers and Water Coolers and operate in the U.K. and Europe.

Quality and Reliability

We stock the very best in water filtration supplies which enables you to get on with your day to day business in the knowledge that delivery is quick and reliable.

h2o innovationProduct Innovation

Highly trained experts ensure that future technology is at the forefront of any product development. H2O Direct bring you the latest technology as and when it happens.

Cost Effective

Our products are priced very competitively ensuring that your customers receive the very best quality and price available.

The Latest from H2O Direct

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Results are based on Regional Water Supply figures and may vary

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