GWCA Tabletop Show Review H2O Direct recently visited Hamburg for the GWCA tabletop show. The German Water Cooler Association hosted a tabletop show at the Marriott Hotel in Hamburg, together with their AGM. The show was well attended by their own members as well as many other operators/suppliers from across Europe. Existing customers in Germany joined H2O for […]

H2O to exhibit at GWCA

H2O Direct will be attending the German Watercooler Association exhibition on Friday 4th May in Hamburg. As H2O has broadened its customer base to Europe, this is an ideal opportunity to see their German customers in one place.    

H2O Direct Launch the New “Acqua Pulita ICE-20 Filter”

H2O Direct Launch the New “Acqua Pulita ICE-20 Filter” For along time now customers have been asking us to design and build water filters for Ice Machines. After many months of designing and quality testing H2O Direct are pleased to launch the New Acqua Pulita Ice-20 water filter. This filter comes as a replacement cartridge […]

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