VH-IEN (riduzione di scala, bypass variabile)

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H2O Direct è lieta di annunciare un'aggiunta alla famiglia IEN, la nuova gamma di filtri VH IEN.

As well as a fixed 30% bypass system filter, H2O can offer a range of variable bypass filters enabling users to have flexibility and choose the level they require ranging from 0 to 70%. The filter contains a pH stabiliser and is a 7 stage filtration system. The technology within these filters reduce scale build up and prevent unpleasant metallic and /or chlorine tastes with an easy change auto water shut off facility, whilst protecting your machinery against costly break downs.

L'acqua in diverse parti del paese varia nella quantità di ioni minerali disciolti che contiene. Questo determina se si tratta di acqua dura o dolce. Ci sono vantaggi e svantaggi per ciascuna, ma i danni che possono essere causati alle macchine per bevande calde e agli elettrodomestici dall'acqua dura significa che l'acqua può aver bisogno di essere filtrata a diversi livelli.

The benefit of this filter is to allow the user to alter the blending of the water through the filter, where the existing hardness or ph. level needs to be changed. This filter offers an ideal solution for those who want to offer their consumers the best hot drink experience. In-house testing resulted in these ranges of filters providing superior performance and efficiency when compared to other leading brands.


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