February Update

https://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/feb2022-2610676 Breaking News and exciting developments!
January Update

http://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/jan2022 New Year, New plans! Latest news from the filtration experts
Merry Xmas!

http://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/christmas21 Christmas wishes and opening times during the festive period.
Nearly time for Vendex

http://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/vendexnov21 Come and see us at Vendex, the UK’s best one day vending exhibition!
H2O Direct Europe is Unveiled

http://mailchi.mp/a2f1ae846800/h2odirecteurope Welcome to H2O Direct Europe!
Rheavendors Event

https://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/missed-us-2610524 Come and see us at the Rheavendors Event this month!
August Newsletter

http://mailchi.mp/h2odirect/august Monthly news from the Filtration Experts
July Newsletter

https://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/july July already?! Keep up to date with all that is H2O Direct
June Newsletter

https://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/june-2610450 Summer is here and so are our new colleagues! Read all about our newcomers and everything else in our newsletter
May Update

https://mailchi.mp/h2odirect.co.uk/d00mv0fzso-2610410 Newly designed newsletter keeping you up to date with all that is H2O Direct!